Neuroplasticity treats the root cause of dysfunction with minimal side effects
Neuroplastic treatments work by changing the brain's functional capability and almost always affect multiple pathways. As a result, many treatments have a positive effect on a range of neurologic challenges. Yet, because each person's brains are unique, some treatments that prove to be effective on one person, may not show similar results on another person with very similar dysfunction. Dr. Norman Doidge also points out that there are stages of neuroplastic healing that need to be taken into consideration and that patients may benefit from multiple treatments that take the stages of healing and different approaches into consideration. While the brain can heal itself, this doesn't mean that it always will. Neuroplasticity offers hope for recovery where there was none before. As scientists and clinicians continue to discover the dynamics of brain neuroplasticity, treatments will continue to evolve.
NPA has identified well-documented, evidence-based treatments for individuals to further evaluate. We'll continue to add to this list so please visit us frequently!
Learning Difficulties & Autism
Dyslexia, Auditory Processing, ADHD, Sensory Issues, etc.
Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's, MLS, ALS, etc.
Neuro-degenerative Disease & Injury
Alzheimers, Dementia, Recall, Processing Speed, etc.